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Skíðaskálinn í Hveradölum – Walter Mitty Restaurant

After finding the Walter Mitty Bridge, Harry Hyundai, my trusty rental car and I went searching for the restaurant where in the movie the characters did the skateboard swap in the parking lot…

Although currently closed thanks to our friendly virus, it was a lovely spot…

Right next to the lodge is a collection of geothermal pools with a walkway…

…although I think their walkway needs just a little bit of attention…

Here are some images from the Walter Mitty movie… Walter is to the left of screen and the white building is the same as above (but it now has graffiti over it)

…and back in time to warm up, and have a lovely dinner…  A perfect end to an otherwise perfect day…

~ Bella

Harry Hyundai and I decided to go hunting for a couple of Walter Mitty filming locations, as well as a particular waterfall - and we succeeded on both accounts... After navigating a road that almost swallowed up poor Harry (he's such a trooper!)... ... we arrived at the Urriðafoss Waterfall…
Just before lockdown started in Scotland (again), I went for a drive to Kilmartin.  I have been here before, but wanted to spend additional time looking at the Templar graves and ancient standing stones in the area. Driving through the lovely village of Arrochar on Loch Long... ...to a diversion…

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