During the final part of this road trip, I didn’t realise that the ‘road’ trip would be minus a ‘road’! You’ll see what I mean………….
Harry’s a tough Little Sprout – and Google assured us there was a road here – so we decided to forge ahead………..
4.8 miles of slippery gravel and inclines and a track only wide enough for one and half cars at best… (and at one point we almost went sideways off the top as a 4×4 came over the verge toward us)…
…but eventually the vinnusvaedi were endar! YAY!
These stone ‘pyramids’ are everywhere around Iceland…
…and home sweet home…
~ Bella

"You want me pump you?" Harry Hyundai needed some go-go juice for our rather adventurous day trip, and I was quite proud of myself that I navigated the entire affair myself, without resorting to using English even once. As I settled back into the car, a rather large fellow with…

Leaving Stykkishólmur, we went in search of a giant padlock and, as in the words of Supertramp, we took the long way home... but didn't realise just what that meant at the time... From stunning green fields, we enter the lava fields... They were extraordinary! Another thing that is amazing…