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SpaceX makes history

The rest of the world may still largely be in lock-down and not able to leave their homes, but today, Elon Musk, two astronauts, and countless support people and companies made history by leaving the planet.

Today the private rocket company SpaceX has sent Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, two Nasa astronauts, into orbit – essentially signalling the start of NASA using SpaceX as a ‘taxi’ service to the International Space Station.

These photos are my small ‘thank you’ to Elon Musk and others like him for living their passion and making their dreams a reality. Each and every one of you is a role model that if we believe, and we keep putting one foot in front of the other toward our goals, that what we want to achieve can really happen…
Here in the Southern Highlands of Scotland, it doesn’t get dark at present until around 11:00pm. I took these photos of the moon yesterday at around 9:00pm and although the sky looks quite dark, it was in fact still bright blue…

As the world begins to open its doors again, and I am preparing for my next journey, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on the fact that this planet can sometimes feel ever so big, and at other times, ever so tiny – but no matter where we go, this beautiful moon is constantly there, looking down on each of us, and in her own way, telling us everything will be ok…

Sending love and smiles to all…

~ Bella

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As of June 15th, 2020, much of Europe will re-open borders and begin to re-open hotels and the like... ...and so for me, that means it is time to consider 'where next'? I have decided the next stop on my Luxurious Nomad life will be Iceland for three months -…

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