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Sunny day exploring Cornwall…

St Michael’s Mount, the extraordinary Minack Theatre, Lands End and more…  These are the highlights from yet another glorious day exploring…

Starting in our lovely manor as the sun was beaming in the beautiful bay window, Karen and I met up and the headed off…

…and in case we were peckish, we had some Rudolph jerky on which to nibble…

Arriving in Marazion to horses on the road and on the beach – I love it!

St Michael’s Mount at high tide is an island, and at low tide is a tiny outcrop of land.  There has been one form of monastery or other on the site since the 8th century.

Its Cornish name is Karrek Loos yn Koos, literally meaning ‘the grey rock in a wood’.

At high tide, the man-made causeway is completely under water.



Next stop, the Minack Theatre…

The Minack Theatre (or Gwaryjy Minack in Cornish), gives one the feeling of being in an exotic location in Italy or similar…

According to Wikipedia:  “The theatre was the brainchild of Rowena Cade, who moved to Cornwall after the First World War and built a house for herself and her mother on land at Minack Point for £100.[3] Her sister was the feminist dystopian author Katharine Burdekin and her partner lived with them from the 1920s.  In 1929, a local village group of players had staged Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a nearby meadow at Crean, repeating the production the next year. They decided that their next production would be The Tempest and Miss Cade offered the garden of her house as a suitable location, as it was beside the sea. Miss Cade and her gardener, Billy Rawlings, made a terrace and rough seating, hauling materials down from the house or up via the winding path from the beach below. In 1932, The Tempest was performed with the sea as a dramatic backdrop, to great success. Miss Cade resolved to improve the theatre, working over the course of the winter months each year throughout her life (with the help of Billy Rawlings and Charles Angove) so that others might perform each summer.”

Hmmmmmm, yes – my thinks that is stating the obvious!  🙂

…and here is when the alien space ship finally came down to collect us…

From there, it was meandering over to Land’s End…

…and along the way being stopped by traffic geese…

…and then suddenly I felt as though I had been transported to a cheap American theme park…  Welcome to Land’s End.

Needless to say, we didn’t stay long and instead headed off in search of somewhere lovely for lunch…

…and the dip in the roof is unfortunately not an optical illusion…

Anywhere that has fresh yellow roses and books is a winner with me!

After a lovely lunch and live music (smooth, cool jazz feel) that I could have listened to for hours and hours, we headed toward home base…

…grabbed a cab and went into Falmouth for wine, food, wine and more wine…

No, this is not a huge chimney for the building – well, not exactly…  read on…

This building used to be Customs House…

…right next to the Harbour Master’s office, complete with lookout bay window…

This is Jack – local celebrity…

He orders his drinks at the bar…

This is our trusty bartender with Karen’s chocolate Baileys…

Back to Jack – he has a calendar, raising money for the air ambulance.  When I adopt my next fluffy, me thinks we will do something similar for a local cause…

Then we arrived back to the manor and, being the only residents, duly sat in the bar consuming a nightcap (or two) and singing a range of songs, much to the amusement of the bartender!

The following morning (Monday) we set out to head back to Torquay, with a minor detour…  Karen needed to run an errand along the way so while she was taking care of that, I headed off to do some more exploring…

…and we stopped for lunch at one of my favourite quirky pubs…  The Highwayman Inn…

Then back to sunshine in Torquay…

…dropped Karen at the train station, dropped my luggage at home, then off for dinner and drinks with another lovely friend, Rachael…

…and now finally back home…

This weekend feels like it was a month full of fun – I had such a wonderful time, full of laughs, fabulous company, interesting scenery…

I feel so very, very blessed…

~ Bella

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