It was a lovely excursion to find the Rock of Dunamase – and such a peaceful area.
There has been occupation on the Rock since the 9th century, but this castle dates from the 12th.
You can read about the fascinating history of the Rock here:
I was fascinated by these warning signs – to me, the one in the middle looks like ‘beware of running over people who are running to get away from you’ – and the one on the right looks like, ‘beware of people on hoverboards’!
~ Bella

Out and about again in northern Ireland (as in the north or the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland)... Managed to spy these beauties while I was at a gas station... What every round-a-bout needs - an unused entrance to a castle... ...and this magnificent tree is Ireland's oldest -…

For several reasons, I decided to treat myself to a private flight from Ireland to England - and I could not have been more delighted with my choice... Arriving at the private lounge... then taken to my very own conference room to await my flight... The captain came in…