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Vienna’s Imperial Crypt

I decided to go for a wander…

…and while I did not resist the temptation to go into the Swarovski shop, the hoards of Asian tourists made it feel like a crowded local market, so I was saved from staying long enough to make any purchases…

Time for lunch…  Cafe Frauenhuber is in a former medieval bathhouse and, established in 1778, is the oldest coffee house in Vienna.

I find it extraordinary that I ended up eating in the same place that the Austro-Hungarian Emperor and Empress dined in 1788 – where Mozart performed in 1788 – AND where in 1797 Beethoven performed his Quintet in E-flat for Piano and Winds!

I love Vienna!

Scrumptious lunch and ready to continue my meanderings…

…and I came across the Imperial Crypt!  Something else to check off my Bucket List!

…and here are the final resting places of – as bizarre as it sounds – people I feel I once knew…  Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elizabeth (Sisi) – and also their son Crown Prince Rudolph.

I felt so honoured to be able to pay my respects to them here.

On a lighter note, I did find it strangely amusing that the German word for ‘died’ is essentially ‘defunct’.

Headed back toward my apartment here in Vienna…

What a truly delightful, extraordinary, and magical day!

Time to rest up for a while and then I may head back out for a glass or two of vino…

~ Bella



What a marvellous morning!  Renee, Bethany, and I started at the Fiaker stables - the Fiaker are the Viennese horse-drawn carriages... Marco took us into the stables and we were able to get up close and personal with the horses... The police on the intersection above were doing a roaring…
What a strange day...  I managed to purchase online the absolute, very best seat in the house to see the world-famous Spanish Dancing Horses here in Vienna - front row centre. Before leaving the apartment, I something quite sad happened, and the vibration of that seemed to then follow me... I…

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