After sleeping most of yesterday (and I still feel like I need another week of rest to finally be better – but am well on the way to recovery), today I went exploring through Budapest and was astounded at how incredibly magnificent it is! I wasn’t expecting anything this beautiful…
…and there will be minimal ‘commentary’ for a while until my body and brain gets some rest and catches up with my spirit… I think they are still somewhere back on mainland England…
Oh, look… Someone has wrapped up a building to give to someone as a present…
I love that there are so many well-dressed women here… Oh, and if it looks like people are rugged up – with good reason – today was minus-five Celcius.
London has the London Eye – Torquay wanted to call theirs the ‘Torqu-eye’ (but the powers that be said no), and this one is called… wait for it… The Budapest Eye! Go figure…
OK, mystery solved. Elvis isn’t dead. He simply moved to Budapest and is alive and well.
A restaurant from the late 1800s? This is my kinda place – so this is where I curled up for lunch…
There is something creepy about these lantern holders…
This place reminds me a great deal of the Votive Church in Vienna…
OK, re the statue below… that I almost missed! Thanks to Atlas Obscura (that I LOVE!), I learned that this is a statue of Peter Falk’s, ‘Colombo’! To learn why, you’ll have to look that up and investigate for yourself… 🙂
Btw, this (below) is the train station… As magnificent as it is, New York’s Central Station now has a rival for first place in my book…
…and it’s always nice to stay in a place that promotes “Happy Gum” – whatever that is…
Just highlights today of my scouting tour…
Am here for a couple of weeks so will spend some quality time exploring a few specific places on my bucket list… (a Bucket List that now has [drum roll…..] OVER 1000 ITEMS on it, and about half of which I have already achieved!)
Sending love and smiles to all…
~ Bella