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Bullers of Buchan

The Bullers of Buchan is about 6 miles south of Peterhead where I have been staying, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.  The collapsed sea cave forms a circular chasm known as “the pot,” that plunges about 30 meters deep and is adorned with a natural archway through which the sea rushes in.

After passing some more lovely scenery…

…we reach our destination:  Bullers of Buchan.

The dramatic coastal cliffs that provide nesting sites for a plethora of seabird colonies, including puffins, kittiwakes, fulmars, razorbills, shags, and guillemots, along with other bird species like herring gulls and great black-backed gulls. Eider ducks and gannets also grace the area with their presence, while grey seals and dolphins can be spotted offshore.

…although, just like when I was in Iceland and everyone around me saw the puffins, alas, all I saw then – and now – were seagulls.  A competent bird-spotter I am not.

~ Bella

Highland cows (or heeland cooz as they are pronounced in Scotland) is native to the highlands of Scotland, hence the name.  Interesting fact, while a group of cattle is normally called a herd, a group of Highland cattle is called a fold. These hardy creatures are quite large but ever…
Dracula's Castle in Scotland?  No, to the best of my knowledge, Count Dracula didn't visit the north east coast of Scotland, but... Slains Castle, a captivating ruin nestled on the cliffs of Cruden Bay, holds a fascinating connection to Bram Stoker's iconic character, Dracula. While it is documented that Stoker…

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