Novi Sad in Serbia has a motto: “Don’t try to understand. Feel.” That is a very appropriate motto because there is simply no understanding this completely illogical and often frustrating yet lovely place… (Serbia, that is – not just Novi Sad).
…but… for better or worse, this is now (for the time being) – ‘home’.
After living out of (many, many, many) suitcases for the past seven years, I decided to at least have a ‘home base’, and for a lot of reasons, that is currently Serbia!
In another post I may share more information on why, but one of the reason was that Serbia has one of the lowest income taxes in the world. Anyway, that’s all for another time.
I have not posted anything for literally months and months, so in these posts, I am basically just going to bring you up to date on where I’ve been (not many places) and what I’ve done (not much) since moving here – let’s just say that this has been the most ‘interesting’ (read into that what you will) relocation I’ve ever done…
So the following few posts to bring you up to date will be mostly photos with just a little information for context.
Anyway, here goes…
Farewell UK, hello Serbia!

Who says airline food is dreadful..?

It was amazing to see this article in the in-flight magazine. Here I was, moving to a new I’ve never before even visited – and to a city I didn’t even know existed before I started this relocation journey – and here it was featured in the magazine.

While it sounds idyllic, one of the 200+ year old trees was felled just before I arrived to make way for some new high-rise building.
While there were some local individuals who objected, in general, from what I have experienced, Serbians on the whole do not care about history – nor nature. The amount of rubbish scattered all over the place when I have been exploring away from the city is disgusting. The scenery is beautiful – the trash everywhere, not so much. Anyway…

I stayed the first couple of nights in a hotel until I could collect the keys for my apartment…

I finally picked up the keys to my beautiful apartment – below are views from each of the three different perspectives from the balconies of my apartment…

This is the Danube River at my doorstep…

My first home-cooked meal in aaaaages… (tomato, chicken, baby spinach, garlic, onion – yum)

There are a lot of Danube River cruises that pass by – and the Novi Sad dock is also visible below and to the right of my apartment…

This was the moon – it was soooooooo bright!

Welcome to parking in Serbia…

There’s always something interesting happening on the river – in this case, me thinks he was lost? (and stranded there for about a week!)

So, welcome to Serbia..!