A beautiful day here in Vienna so I decided to catch a taxi to the other side of the city centre, go for a wander, and then enjoy a carriage ride for a few hours, meandering through the beautifully decorated streets of Vienna…
…BUT, the day turned out to be sooooo much more than I anticipated!
…and on my way, came across this… do you see the man on the roof?
I am guessing it is one of the ‘Third Man’ sculptures etc, although I do not recall him standing on the edge of this building in the movie…
The amazing doors of the Schottenkirche…
Just one of many Christmas markets…
Le passage Freyung…
…and my carriage awaits – but what a carriage ride this turned out to be!
…Steinway = heaven…
This ‘antikschmuck’ always amuses me…
The story if this dragon is that he was so mean and ugly and the only way the villagers could think of to get rid of him was to give him a mirror – he looked at his reflection and the horror of the image killed him…
…and we stopped for a drink – seriously, my carriage driver went in to get us both a drink – me wine, him a beer…
…and while I was waiting, I made a new friend – and she came along for the ride…
Welcome my new ‘sister’ Liza! …and I feel as though I have known her my entire life.
…and another hour or so later, it was time to stop for another drink…..
Our extra-wonderful carriage driver!
The main Viennese Christmas Markets…
My favourite glove shop, established 1854…
…and, alas our several hours of meandering through the city as princesses came to an end… so we curled up in the Opera House Cafe for more wine etc…
All in all a truly extraordinarily lovely day!
~ Bella