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Welcome to Peterhead, Scotland

Exploring the local area…  I will do a longer post at another time with the history of the area and a more extensive tour.  This was just a quick look around to get my bearings.



Called in to a cafe…

Then back home sweet home… one moment blue sky…

…then rain…

…then 20 minutes later…  SNOW!

I thought I would finish this post with a sign in the window of the cafe that encapsulates this lovely little village…

~ Bella

The airport at Bucharest, Romania is very modern, light, bright...   ...and my new home sweet home - a lovely little fishing village in Scotland. Even the hairdressing salon here is a local 'drop in and have a chat and a cuppa' place... ...for fluffies as well... We had some…
Finally off exploring Scotland - first stop:  Deer Abbey, built in 1219.   Deer Abbey was Cistercian monastery founded in 1219.  The abbey is associated with the Book of Deer and for more than 300 years, the Cistercian monks seem to have lived a quiet and contemplative life until the…

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