It took over an hour to be admitted into the EU (Bulgaria) from North Macedonia (non-EU) – cars were searched…
…but eventually we were on our way again… and driving past a giant’s dining table?
Stopped at the proverbial fork in the road…
No, this isn’t a pole with a furry hat…
It’s a stork’s nest! The very first time I have seen a stork!
Welcome to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria…
We passed a massive traffic jam on the highway… caused by not only a house that, for whatever reason, was not moving… (of course, houses are not supposed to move, normally…)
…and a film crew filming!
…and stopped at the proverbial fork in the road (me thinks there is a pattern here…)
Masses of fields of sunflowers!!!
I wasn’t fast enough to capture on my camera – we passed a field of sunflowers, all looking the same direction, as sunflowers do – but there was just one sunflower who was pointed in exactly the opposite direction! A rebel… 🙂
Hmmmmmm, well………… moving right along…
Welcome to Burgas…
This below is actually a theme park…
According to the map, this was the road to the hotel… we weren’t so sure……..
…but the map was correct…
…however there was no one at home! But they did leave my key for me…
View from my room at sunset…
…and I woke up around sunrise, so thought I may as well capture that on my camera as well…
Time for some more sleep – and then when I awoke…
Although not being used at the moment, this is a SCUBA diving pool with observation window…
Care to join me for breakfast?
…and a little later, some vino… It’s lovely – they are teaching me some Bulgarian, I am teaching them some English – “Thanks” in Bulgarian? Merci! (go figure) “Wine” in Bulgarian? Vino! Excellent!
Interesting menu choices…
Tanya, my lovely young waitress (her father owns the restaurant) made me a special non-alcoholic fruit cocktail with fresh fruit… YUM!
There are worse places to sit with one’s laptop…
…and Tanya lead me astray… She insisted that I must taste her favourite thing on the menu – Viennese Waffle! Ah-may-zing!
It turns out that the air conditioner in my room was having challenges, so this morning they moved me to a different room – and I love it! Here is the view from my new room… directly north-facing, toward the Black Sea…
…and will end this post with a view of the sunset……..
~ Bella