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Farewell to the UK

All packed and ready for another adventure, this time to the Riviera del Brenta in Italy.

My flight departed from Edinburgh, so I decided to stay a couple of days in Dalmahoy, a lovely 18th century mansion – also where James VI of Scotland (who became James I of England) stayed in 1589 in the castle that was on the site before the current building.

…and I had booked one of their prettiest rooms – only to find when I arrive that it is at the top of the oldest part of the hotel and there is no elevator (look down and down and down at those staircases)……………  oh, well…  I just had to consider it part of my physio…  🙂

Friday was a bit wet and dreary, and since there were three movies at the cinema I wanted to see and the nearest cinema was one of the type with comfy armchairs – I decided to see them all!

‘Judy’ – followed by ‘Ad Astra’ – followed by ‘Downton Abbey’.

…and home in time for cocktails…

At the airport, there was pandemonium when it was announced that only one piece of hand luggage was allowed…

Flying over the River Forth…

…and buongiorno Italia…


Picked up my rental car and stayed overnight at a cute little family-run place just near Lake Como… but more on that in my next post…

~ Bella

Nestled in the Loch Lomond National Park is my beloved piece of Heaven.  Each of these photos was taken from essentially my back door, but yet each feels so very different...       ~ Bella
The first place I stayed was a delightful little family-run hotel near Lake Como. The next morning, continuing my drive across from Milan to Venice, I drove around lovely Lake Como... complete with skinny, windy roads and crazy Italian drivers! Oh, and this was the bus going the other way…

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