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Goodbye Bulgaria, hello again to glorious Romania!

Bulgaria has certainly been an ‘interesting’ experience.  I was chatting with Adrian, my friend and driver, about the differences between Bulgaria and Romania, and how I find it difficult to reconcile the two.

The two countries could not be further apart, yet they lie next to each other on opposite sides of the River Danube.

Anyway, we left Bulgaria and headed toward the border…

Had an opportunity to be a good Samaratin…

Hello Romania!!!  I have missed you…

…and my beautiful hotel…  I will write a separate post about the hotel – it is quite historic!

…and this is the view when I opened the door to my suite…

…but of course, I had to bring some of Scotland with me…

After an amazing night’s sleep, I dressed for dinner and went downstairs, only to discover the restaurant had been booked out for a function… so I wandered only a block away and found a delightful café – and enjoyed a dinner, the quality of which I would rival any fine-dining restaurant to equal.

With French music from the 1950s playing, and reading my beloved Sir Walter Scott’s journal from the 1830s (the edition I have with me was printed in the 1880s)…  this is what it felt like… nostalgic and simply marvellous…

…and this morning, this is where I have been sitting by the window, being every so content and peaceful simply watching the world go about its daily rhythm…

~ Bella

It has been a fascinating two months in Bulgaria...  I decided to do a retrospective, akin to an exhibition of photos I have played with, made more ethereal, that would capture my thoughts and feelings of the place... oh, and the photo below of the back of the van?  That…
On the weekend, I was treated to a wonderful experienece...  Below my window, a street party complete with traditional dancing, traditional line dancing, and in between their sets a wonderful saxaphone player... Photos and videos below:

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