It seems in order to even drive past the US embassy, one needs to be searched…
That is all well and good, until one cannot find the lever to open the hood…………. oh dear…
Some time later… they finally let us go (although they never did get to look under the hood!)…
Yes, that is a gold cow…
…and in to the Museum of Alchemy…
I adore this staircase – and the wear on the tread that comes from literally centuries of use…
…and on to… click here to continue…

First stop was the Strahov Monastery... with the Strahov Library on my bucket list. Upon arrival, we were informed by a very grumpy lady that the library was closed for lunch - so we decided to do some exploring and come back later. Before leaving, however, we peeked into the beautiful…

...the Klementinum! ...only to discover the Klementinum Library that I reeeeeally want to see is up 172 stairs... Some days I could do that, but not today. Oh, well - yet another thing to look forward to on my next trip! But wait... ...we were let in to see THIS!!! …