Yes, that is a ‘beware of camel’ sign…
Despite the heat, it was a truly lovely day!
Depending upon the weather, I may revisit Nesebar before I leave, this time going in to explore the city itself, as opposed to just what I could see from the air-conditioned vehicle…
~ Bella

Friday, I headed about one and a half hours north to the UNESCO world heritage site - the ancient city of Nesebar. There is a massive seawall that was constructed at the end of the 19th century. According to my driver, this tiny little boat and its owner sailed solo…

The Archaeological Museum of Burgas (or Археологически музей Бургас in Bulgarian) is the oldest museum in Burgas city - and that was our destination for the day's outing! I hadn't had breakfast so my trusty driver said I just had to have a "kebabscka" (at least that's how I heard…