I love my hotel suite, not only because it is in such an historic hotel and is quite simply lovely, but because I have a window seat out onto the world… and in this case, the world was a peaceful but very noisy protest…
…and with that, it was over…

Making our way homeward... we stopped at a beautiful little church, and then picked up some of the most delicious cheese..... The scenery was breathakingly beautiful... ...and home sweet home... and a final peek at my cheese (and of course, another taste test.......) Thank you to Max, for an amazingly…

This particular day I was on a mission... to find what is reputed to be the most beautiful bookstore in the world... and on the way, past some of the most beautiful scenery and buildings... ...and here it is! Cărturești Carusel Bookstore... Built in 1903 by a wealthy family of…