Roma, here I come!
Well, note quite yet, but my First Class rail tickets just arrived by courier today and I must admit I am very excited.
This will be the first overnight rail journey I have ever taken in Europe and I will be travelling from Vienna, Austria to Rome, Italy.
I finally and reluctantly leave beloved England at the beginning of March with my next stop being just short of three months in Ostia, Italy. Located on the Tyrrhenian Sea, Ostia is around one hour from Rome.
On my way from England to Italy, I am stopping over in Vienna for a week – a lifelong dream!
Stay tuned…
~ Bella

What a FABULOUS day!!! Road trip from Torquay through Paignton, Chirston, Kingsweir, Dartmouth, Slaptop, Stokeham, Chillington, Charleton, Frogmore and Salcombe.

I had a most delightful conversation yesterday with a lovely waitress at one of my 'local watering holes' where I eat, drink and work. She is a beautiful young woman of twenty-five - and when we were joking about her being a quarter of a century, she was astonished when…