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Category: Austria

Road trip: Romania to Austria via Hungary

Time to depart…

Poor Bethany – at one point there was a luggage avalanche, but we saved her just in time…  🙂

My Romanian friend and driver, Adrian.

We were travelling through the Carpathian Mountains and then Transylvania on what was originally a road built by the Romans…

This fort dates to just after the time of Christ…

…and into the beautiful village of Sibu…

On our way to the Red Ravine, this is the direction the GPS wanted to take us…

We bought some local honey…

…and after crossing the border from Romania to Hungary…

…we eventually arrived at our way-stop, Mako Hungary…

Meanwhile, back in Scotland, there is construction happening!

Bethany decided to sample something that looked good on the menu…………………….

…and does anyone know what “pork virgin” is???

…and crossing from Hungary to Austria…

No, this is not an alien invasion (although it looked like it!) – they are wind turbines – hundreds of them!

…and safely arrived in glorious Vienna…

…where of course one needs to have schnitzel!

Bethany and Renee looked stunning when they went off to see Swan Lake at the Vienna Opera House…

…and with horses clop, clop, clopping past my window, this was the perfect end to a wonderful trip.

~ Bella

Hallstatt and Salzburg

Welcome to Hallstatt…

We didn’t end up wandering through the town, and instead headed off again – since we were bound for Munich and still had many hours to go…

Welcome to Salzburg…

…and despite having a list of places we did want to go, our driver was quite insistent on dropping us off to see the gardens at the palace…

They were lovely, but… anyway…

By this stage, Donna and I were at our wits end with our driver and simply told him to high-tail it to Munich.

…and yes, that is a BOAT sitting up there!

…and FINALLY we arrive, 13 hours after we left, in Munich…

Much needed wine!

…but don’t get too comfortable, for tomorrow we go exploring Munich!

~ Bella



WWII art treasures stolen by the Nazis and found in this cave by the ‘Monuments Men’

If you have been following my travels for many years, you may recall an event I went to when I lived in Charleston, where I met Robert Edsel, the author of the “Monuments Men” book, as well as several of the people who starred in the film, such as Bill Murray, etc.

…and if you haven’t seen the movie, I thoroughly recommend you do.  It is a most amazing and inspiring true story…

Anyway, we managed to get our driver to take a detour and take us up to the mine where so many of the art treasures were found…

…and here we are!  This building has been built over the front of the mine entrance, but this is where near the end of WWII, these amazingly brave men found and recovered priceless artworks that had been stolen by the Nazis.

A Madonna by Michelangelo, paintings by Rubens and Rembrandt, the Ghent Altar by the van Eyck brothers, works by Dürer and Vermeer – all of this and literally thousands more came within a hair’s breadth of going up in flames during the final weeks of the war in 1945.

When the German Reich began to collapse and the cities were turning into fields of rubble, the authorities began to hide their stockpile of treasures in disused mines.

In the spring of 1945, Hitler had given the order from Berlin that, in the event of defeat, everything should be destroyed – including the artworks that were being warehoused in the Altaussee mine, originally intended for the “Führer Museum” in Linz. Shortly thereafter, Hitler revoked the order, but despite this revokation, the Gauleiter of the Salzkammergut, August Eidgruber, did everything he could to destroy the art treasures inside Altaussee Salt Mine.  Thankfully, the majority was saved… and these are the original tracks used…

Unfortunately it was several hours until the next tour, so we bade farewell to the mine and continued on our way…

…and found a cute place for lunch!

Below, our rather ‘unique’ driver…  (Thumper said ‘if ya can’t say something nice, don’t say nuffin at all”) – he was at least a friendly fellow…

This mountain is the Loser Mountain – after which the beer is named!

Next stop, Hallstatt!

~ Bella

Farewell to my beloved Vienna – hello Germany…

I knew the day would come…  Farewell to my beautiful Vienna…  Although I do not want to live there, I would love to visit a couple of times every year – perhaps have a home in Scotland and one in Vienna…  Hmmmmm, that’s a lovely idea!  🙂

Our driver picked us up from our respective hotels and off we set…

Our first stop was going to be Melk Abbey, however …

Let’s just say actually getting there was proving more of a challenge that it was worth…

…so, we headed off again and waved to it from the highway…

…and headed back up into the Alps…

…and that was just the beginning of our journey…

~ Bella



das Loft – amazing views over Vienna

For dinner, we went to das Loft with the most extraordinary views over Vienna… not to mention the delicious food!

I think Donna was wishing the waiter was on the menu…  🙂

Then home to my beautiful Hotel Bristol for a nightcap…

…and the tail end of the opera…

A perfectly lovely evening!

~ Bella

(Another) carriage ride through Vienna

On my bucket list, you will note that one of the entries is owning a landau (convertible carriage) and horse, with a driver on hand.  I would SOOO love to have that, and would use it as my main source of travel for most things locally.

…and as no trip to Vienna is complete without a horse-drawn carriage trip, I treated Donna to a gloriously long ride through the city (ok, so it was probably more of a treat for me!)  🙂

Contented, happy sigh…

~ Bella

Austria’s Wachau Wine Region

The Wachau region was inscribed as “Wachau Cultural Landscape” in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites in recognition of its architectural and agricultural history, and is known for its high-quality wines…

…and that is the River Danube to the left…

This was funny…  According to the GPS, this is a bridge…  🙂

After much reading of signs, we discover it is a car ferry of dubious quality, but…

…they are off on an extended lunch break!

…so we went in search of another way across the Danube…

Aha!  An actual bridge!

…and the ferry people gave us a good idea – lunch!

Beautiful Schloss Dürnstein, where King Richard the Lion-Heart of England was held captive by Duke Leopold V.

My friend Donna who came over from the States to do the drive from Vienna to Munich with me… (we will get to that soon)

…and back to Vienna…

Do you remember this (below)?  It is the red-eyed, fire-breathing incinerator that you saw in an earlier post, only this time in daylight…

What a glorious day – and home in time to get plenty of work done, including back to back calls with clients until late… (thanks to the time difference, I can explore during the day, and work with my US-based clients in the evening – perfect!)

Thank you SO much to Alexander and Donna who made it so much FUN!

~ Bella


Goats, headless people, and abandoned castles…

As we were touring through the Viennese countryside and in particular the Wachau Valley, we came across quite an assortment of ‘interesting’ sights…

Yes, these are headless people, complete with a happy birthday version of ‘do not cross’ police tape…

…and a park for bees…

The leaning tower of Wachau Valley, perhaps..?

…and another abandoned castle…

…and another abandoned castle…

This was funny…  Donna went off to explore the abandoned castle and came across this fellow having trouble getting his popcorn machine over the bump – so, of course, she lent a hand… although when she attempted to use her charm and his gratitude to let her in, unfortunately the language barrier prevented a successful transaction…  🙂

Hmmmm – you may note that we are on the ‘wrong’ side of the barrier… and the lady was sooooooooooooooooooo grumpy that she had to let us out…  🙂

This is the ticket office – seriously!

…but this was only still part-way through our day-trip adventure…

~ Bella