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Swiss Alps Rail Journey – Zurich to Budapest (Part 2 of 2)

Some people will do anything to get out of work, including burying their tractor in snow…



Another soul out for a solitary walk……..

This one is walking his horse from somewhere through nowhere to I guess somewhere…

Aliens have arrived – this is their craft…



Arriving in Budapest train station…

Look up – it is stunningly beautiful!

Even the ride back to the hotel in the limo was beautiful…

…and to my GLORIOUS hotel, built in 1914…

Because I didn’t arrive until around 10:00pm, when I arrived reception advised me that I only had a few minutes to decide if I wanted something to eat.  I said I didn’t feel like a full meal at that time of night, but would love a drink and something upon which to nibble…

This greeted me when I came downstairs to the bar…

Oh, and I shared this with a friend on my way… I can get my head around ‘nachster halt’ meaning ‘next stop’…

…but there is no way I would have worked out that’s what this meant in Hungarian!

After a fabulous night’s sleep, this is the view from my window in the morning…  Lovely old architecture…

Lots more to come so stay tuned…

~ Bella



Words nor photos can express the majesty of this trip... but I will do my best with what follows of my eleven-hour rail trip through three countries... Starting the day leaving my beautiful hotel (where I really felt as though I was visiting family instead of staying in a hotel),…
After sleeping most of yesterday (and I still feel like I need another week of rest to finally be better - but am well on the way to recovery), today I went exploring through Budapest and was astounded at how incredibly magnificent it is! I wasn't expecting anything this beautiful...…