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Grand Union Canal

Another lovely day for a drive, and this time I went in search of the Grand Union Canal…


Perfect place to sit under the shade of an umbrella and have lunch…

…and watch the world float by…

Bradwell Abbey and The Swan Inn

On my way back from the Milton Keynes Museum, I discovered Bradwell Abbey.

“Bradwell Abbey is the site and remains of a medieval Benedictine Priory and is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (no.19062). Nationally it is significant because it contains the greater part of the medieval precinct of a priory, a relatively unusual survival, with a rare standing building – a dedicated pilgrimage chapel with a scheme of stunning contemporary wall paintings.

Locally it is important because it is one of a number of historic sites in and around Milton Keynes that provide major insights into the medieval history of the area and it is an important local wildlife site. The site has a strong historic identity, providing a potential focus in the development of a sense of place for the community of Milton Keynes.” (from the Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre website).

…but unfortunately it was closed for repairs…

…so I headed off in search of an old pub for some lunch and discovered The Swan Inn – a beautiful 13th century, thatched-roof inn…

…but it was closed for renovation as well…  Oh, well…  🙂

I do love the sign!

~ Bella

Milton Keynes Museum 1940s weekend

What a lovely way to spend a couple of hours…  A wonderful group of volunteers works tirelessly all year to pull together this annual event, honouring and celebrating those who fought in and lived through WWII, and ‘kept the home fires burning’…

~ Bella

Houghton House Ruins

Houghton House today is the shell of a 17th-century mansion commanding magnificent views, reputedly the inspiration for the ‘House Beautiful’ in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.

It was built around 1615 for Mary, Dowager Countess of Pembroke, in a mixture of Jacobean and Classical styles: the ground floors of two Italianate loggias survive, possibly the work of Inigo Jones.

Unfortunately the car park only has room for about four or five cars and as it was full and there is no where else to park, unfortunately I was not able to explore the ruins, but thankfully have a massive zoom lens on my camera…

British Horological Institute aka Museum of Timekeeping

I love old clocks and so have been wanting to go to this museum for such a long time BUT it is only open for five months of the year, only on Fridays, and only between 11:00am and 3:00pm – and given that it is a six-hour drive from my little piece of Heaven in Scotland, the opportunities were slim indeed…

However, on this trip I decided to finally arrange things so I could visit this glorious museum – and I was not disappointed.

~ Bella

Rosslyn Chapel

Some may be aware of Rosslyn Chapel from the works by Dan Brown – but this enigmatic building has been on my bucket list for many years prior to the consipracy novels…

Before entering the Chapel, one passes the Old Rosslyn Inn building – I had no idea of its existence, nor its many illustrious visitors…

Now under the stewardship of the current Earl of Rosslyn, Rosslyn Chapel has been owned by the same family since its foundation in 1446!

Unfortunately, there are no photographs allowed to be taken inside the Chapel, however there is an abundance of images online – I would suggest checking them out as it is quite extraordinary.

…next we head off to Edinburgh to drop one of my Louis cases into the LV doctor…

…and this (on top of the hill) is Edinburgh Castle…

…a strange sight on the way home…

…and now back safe and sound after a lovely day!

~ Bella



Ireland’s Rock of Cashel

It was a gloriously sun shiny day, so I went out exploring…

…and discovered the Rock of Cashel…

The Rock of Cashel was the traditional seat of the kings of Munster for several hundred years prior to the Norman invasion, and has been constructed in various phases over several hundred years…

..and back home again.  See the turrets on the right?  That is my glorious accommodation!  I am treated every bit the princess here – and loving every minute of it!

~ Bella



Neuschwanstein Castle (Walt Disney’s castle inspiration) and Alpsee Lake

Heading off on a damp Munich morning, we went in search of the castle that inspired Walt Disney…





I wasn’t up to the trek to the top, so Donna went up, and I explored the museum and lake…

A parade of Japanese umbrellas…



I like Donna’s memento of the trip!

…and we found a fabulous Italian German restaurant for dinner…

…and back to the hotel once again…

~ Bella

Welcome to Munich and then Nymphenburg Palace

Deciding to rent a car, we headed across the road to the car rental place within the main Munich train station…

…and then headed to find the palace…

I always figure it’s a good idea to take a photo of the rental car, including license plate, as when one rents a lot of them, one is occasionally bound to go looking for the vehicle one rented at another location!  🙂

A ramp for the ducks?

I had purchased a fabulous and reasonably expensive 360-degree camera for places like this, and an abundance of places previously in Vienna, however there were multiple challenges with actually taking delivery of it – so while I was so very sad (since the majority of these places I will never again visit and would loved to have captured them in-the-round), I did the best I could with my standard camera…

…and back home to the hotel…

~ Bella